Sunday 26 March 2017

Follow your heart - Vegan Eggs

So it's mother's day here in the UK and I received some Follow your heart Vegan Eggs. I wasn't sure what to expect as it comes in this cute little egg box. But basically inside you will find a bag of yellow powder.

I decided to try the scrambled egg recipe, so I followed the instructions, mixing two tablespoons of product to 115ml of ice cold water. 

Mixing the powdered egg substance and water together made a yellow thick liquid.

The instructions stated that you need a lightly oiled pan on a medium heat and that the mixture should sizzle as it hits the pan. 

As I poured the mixture into the pan it immediately started to form together like scrambled eggs. 

I followed the instructions to cook for 6-8 minutes, however it began to burn and stick to the pan at around 4 minutes. Maybe my pan was too hot or it was too lightly oiled, I don't know.

After about 7 minutes this was the amount of Vegan scrambled egg I was left with. So what did it taste like, well my youngest daughter said 'It tastes like rubber' and it did have an unusual taste with a rubbery texture. But when we added a generous dollop of ketchup and ate some with a mouthful of toast, it had the texture of egg, blind tested I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between real egg and this with the added toast and ketchup. 

I personally don't miss egg, so this wasn't for me. However, I am excited to try this product for baking or as an egg replacement in other recipes. 

Happy Mother's Day and Stay kind xx


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