Monday 23 January 2017


A massive hello and welcome to my blog, as I write this first post it's kind of exciting to be starting on my blogging journey wondering if anyone or nobody will read this. I feel I have learnt so much and I'm still constantly learning since changing to a plant-based diet in January 2016 and adopting a more vegan lifestyle as the days go by.  I want to share my experiences, recipes and disasters, lets just say thank goodness for hummous, chips and olives in some restaurants.

So let's start with why I turned to a plant-based diet in the first place, in the summer of 2015 I became incredibly ill, I had all kinds of blood tests, ECG's etc and the Doctors had no clue and put it down to a virus. However, prior to feeling that way, I was busy with work and University study, my diet as a massive cheese lover back then was poor due to my lack of time. I was snacking on cheese, lots of cheese as well as other unhealthy snacks. At the time I remember thinking maybe it was due to my diet and tried to eat healthier, after a few months I began to feel better and didn't really think about it again. That was until Christmas, when all the cheese and cream and all the other things that come out, I suddenly began to feel unwell again.

I made the decision that I was going to cut out all dairy, when at some point before the New Year I became aware of Veganuary, where you pledge to be Vegan for the month of January. I signed up and on January the 1st, I didn't just give up dairy, I went Vegan. And let's just say I never looked back, I never felt better, I did have a period of time where some negative things happened, I'll write a separate post on that but after the 'yes I'm only eating plants' and detoxing period, I felt great. My only regret is not doing it sooner.

So if you are thinking about it, just do it! If a massive cheese lover like myself can (thank the lord for Vegan cheese), so can you!

I have decided to call my blog 'Inhale the Kale' because I think Kale, along with Chickpeas and Avocados, are stereotyped as all Vegan's eat! I hope to demonstrate to oldies, newbies and people thinking about changing to a plant based diet, that you can eat EVERYTHING you ate before, just in a slightly different or more creative way.

The one thing I can guarantee is that it's not just all about kale, I eat a balanced diet, healthy meals AND junk food, water, juices, smoothies AND cocktails, kale AND cake.

Anyway I hope you enjoy my blog, enjoy your day!

Thought of the day - Spread Kindness :)