Sunday 26 February 2017

Vegan Pancakes

With pancake day coming up on Tuesday, it's time to perfect those tossing skills so they don't end up on the floor or stuck to the ceiling.

I've personally tried so many different ways of making plant-based pancakes but these were the most scrum-diddly-um-ious. Pancakes in our house either get covered simply with lemon and sugar or lots of chocolate sauce with bananas or raspberries or strawberries or any other fruit for that matter.

So for the pancakes, first you will need to decide what style of pancakes you want to make, crepe style or stackable pancakes.......

Then you will need......
  • 150g self-raising flour (pancake stack) or plain flour (crepe style)
  • 2 tbsp of caster sugar 
  • 2 tsp of baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp of salt 
  • 300ml of non-dairy milk
  • 1 tbsp of oil 

Put all the ingredients in a blender, I always use my nutribullet. Just be careful if you use this method when you unscrew the lid, it will probably get you a little, think fizzy drink bottle opening.

For the crepe style pancakes, with a lightly oiled non stick pan, pour some of the mixture into the middle of the pan and then tilt it each way to make it spread to the edge of the pan.

For stackable pancakes, depending on the size of your pan you will need a large spoonful for each pancake, I can fit three in mine.

Cook on a medium heat for a few minutes before turning or tossing if you only have one in the pan, unless you have skills to toss all three at once, then go for it! And please share the video online because I need to see this :)

It they feel like they are stuck to the bottom of the pan, they aren't quite ready to turn. You really do need to make sure you use a lightly oiled non-stick pan. Use a spatula to turn them by checking the edges. The stackable pancakes are easier than the crepes.

And then serve your pancakes your way, with whatever you fancy. I've gone for melted dark chocolate, banana and maple syrup and they were delicious.

So how do you have your pancakes? I'd love to hear in the comments.

As always stay kind and have a beautiful day xx


1 comment

  1. Yum these look so good! I'm gonna try your recipe!
